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Wide Area Motion Imagery to Solve and Deter Crime

Helping Law Enforcement Serve and Protect Your Community

We Provide Law Enforcement with Innovative Technology to Help Solve Otherwise Unsolvable Violent Crime

Here's How...
To solve what could

Often there are no witnesses to violent crime. The CSP provides the ability to see what really transpired to solve what would otherwise be unsolvable crime by going back in time at a specific location of a call for service to find more information about what happened before, during, and after the crime occurred.

Removing Repeat Offenders
Increased Deterrence

Most violent crimes are committed by a select few people. Using our technology to convict these criminals and keep them off the streets will decrease crime and save lives.

Preventing a crime from occurring is always better than solving a crime that is committed. Increasing the likelihood of being caught will discourage criminals from committing crimes.

We work with the community to establish trust and awareness of the problems they face while deterring violent crime and creating better relationships with city leadership


Instantaneous Investigation Support and Analysis

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The CSP provides law enforcement the capability of viewing a crime scene within seconds of receiving a 911 call.
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More quality information on an emergency situation keeps officers safe and decreases response times.
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The CSP fosters trust between law enforcement and community members by acting as an impartial witness to crimes.  
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The CSP aims to decrease crime  in your city by 20%-30% in the first year of operation.

The CSP works with law enforcement and the community to improve relationships, build trust, and reduce violent crime.

Investigation briefings are provided to law enforcement for each crime, giving officers a head start in the investigation process by confirming witness testimony and compiling information after a violent crime occurs.

Low cost, subscription-based service offered by the CSP increases situational awareness, officer safety, and reduction of violent crime.  

36 mi² of the city are imaged every second, allowing officers and analysts to acquire exact locations of violent offenders after a crime has occurred in real-time.

The Police Foundation Review of CSP

"The efforts of the BPD in testing persistent surveillance will benefit
police agencies nationwide. It has laid the groundwork for efforts to further evaluate the technology and develop guidelines for successfully implementing it in a way that speaks directly to a principle goal of 21st Century policing – reducing crime while also enhancing the public’s
trust and confidence in the police."      


-Police Foundation Report January 30, 2017

Police Foundation

Funding: A cost-effective fully equipped service to reduce violent crime

The services provided by the CSP enhance existing programs and resources in cities, such as ground cameras, making them more effective.

With a reduction in violent crime, communities will see significant economic benefits.  New business, more jobs, and an overall improvement in the community lifestyle are just some of the expected results.

The 2017 Police Foundation review stated that CSP has laid the groundwork for efforts to reduce crime while also enhancing the public’s trust and confidence in the police.  It is a viable program that can provide local job opportunities, while encouraging local business prosperity and raising property values through violent crime reduction.

Resources: How to fund
The Community Support Program



Contact CSP to speak with us about what a CSP program could look like in your city and learn about different funding strategies.

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