Many of our elected officials – federal, state and local – are joining their communities across the country to
jump-start programs to fight gun violence, get creative about finding the funding, and build on those initiatives that are leveraging the latest gun detection, alerting and analysis solutions are available today.
What can be done?
Gun crimes -- the illegal use of guns – create an unsafe environment in which our citizens do not feel secure at home in their own communities. There are numerous laws already in place that make it illegal to fire a gun in an urban area. Greater focus must be placed on enforcing existing legislation.
And you can influence that.
Encourage your representatives to promote community safety and address gun violence through upholding existing gun legislation around the illegal use of guns.
In addition, you can get involved today in a variety of programs such as:
Text Message Tip Lines
Gun Buy-Back Programs
The Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms
Neighborhood Watch
Gunshot Detection and Location Technology
Download ShotSpotter Elected Officials Datasheet